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Susan Shapiro
Feb 20, 20202 min read
Having trouble focusing on priorities?
Let’s assume you have a couple of work priorities involving teams or groups of people. If you are struggling and cannot move forward on...

Susan Shapiro
Feb 6, 20202 min read
The power of defining what you want
Managers Problem Solve Many managers state that their conversations at work are all about problem solving. Topics range from issues with...

Susan Shapiro
Jan 21, 20191 min read
Get out and walk
Inhale, walk through the forest, and enjoy nature. While we used to think it was relaxing or meditative, now research supports additional...

Susan Shapiro
Jun 25, 20183 min read
Refreshing approach to the grind of problem solving
How is design thinking different from traditional problem solving? It is a popular approach and many are using it to come up with new,...

Susan Shapiro
Mar 20, 20182 min read
Problem Talk is Quicksand
I am drawn to stories of survival; and the other day when I saw a video of how to survive falling through ice, it intrigued me to keep...

Susan Shapiro
Feb 27, 20182 min read
Navigating the powerful person
Sometimes powerful people surround themselves with others who won’t challenge them. If you are a direct report of that powerful person,...

Susan Shapiro
Dec 19, 20172 min read
Call from a neighbor- I assumed the worst and it was good news. Learned about a client who thought her poor performing employee will...

Susan Shapiro
May 2, 20173 min read
The Importance of Focus
A Story of Focus “Hold that plank for one minute,” my trainer said. “No problem,” I thought, because I have two hands and two feet on the...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 25, 20172 min read
Inclusion and The Four Dimensions of Leadership
Ever feel excluded from a key meeting or social gathering? Feels pretty bad doesn’t it? It may bring back memories of what it felt like...

Susan Shapiro
Jun 21, 20163 min read
The Power of Being Precise
Sometimes accuracy is a requirement, not an option. I was reminded about the importance of precision in business after reading a recent...

Susan Shapiro
May 17, 20163 min read
Leadership: The Science Behind Trusting Your Gut
Imagine getting lost as you drive through an unfamiliar area late at night. You’re faced with a choice: head down a dark road that...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 18, 20163 min read
How to Cope with a Boss Who Avoids Conflict
When tortoises feel threatened, they retreat into their thick shells to safely wait out the potential crisis. But what happens when...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 5, 20163 min read
Feeling Mentally Capsized? The Flip Side of Work/Life Balance
Spoiler Alert: this is NOT one of those work/life balance articles about being consumed by our work and allowing it to invade our...

Susan Shapiro
Jan 25, 20163 min read
Missed Opportunities: What’s Clouding Your View?
Sometimes good leaders can miss great opportunities. I’m not referring to the wing-it-and-hope-for-the-best managers here; I’m talking...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 13, 20153 min read
Increasing Your Productivity by…Being Unproductive?
Yes, you read that correctly. Instead of kicking into high gear to increase your personal efficiency and get more done, try doing the...

Susan Shapiro
Aug 4, 20153 min read
Leadership Wisdom from…Keith Richards?
Well, sort of. Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards famously said, “I look for ambiguity when I’m writing because life is ambiguous.”...

Susan Shapiro
Jul 21, 20154 min read
Feeling Weighed Down? 10 Ways to Lighten Up
No, I’m not talking weight loss here. I’m referring to that feeling of mental and emotional sluggishness we all get from time to time...

Susan Shapiro
Jul 3, 20153 min read
Delegation: The Cure for Exhaustion
When I was in high school, I was selected to be captain of our dance line group. Beyond learning countless dance routines, that position...

Susan Shapiro
Jun 23, 20154 min read
Your Brain: The New Competitive Edge
In this week’s blog, I interviewed Tony Pottle about the business implications of advances in neuroscience. Tony is the Chief Business...

Susan Shapiro
Jun 9, 20152 min read
The Power of Making a Direct Request
Colleagues and clients fully expect us to collaborate with them on reaching our shared business goals, and that process involves...
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