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Susan Shapiro
May 24, 20163 min read
Workaholics: Wake Up and Schedule the Vacation!
Be honest: are you addicted to work? Do you feel guilty when you’re not working? Does it actually seem stressful to take time off or go...

Susan Shapiro
May 17, 20163 min read
Leadership: The Science Behind Trusting Your Gut
Imagine getting lost as you drive through an unfamiliar area late at night. You’re faced with a choice: head down a dark road that...

Susan Shapiro
May 10, 20163 min read
Making Peace with Conflict: What Leaders Need to Know
I was definitely surprised by the feedback from my last blog. While I discussed coping with a boss who avoids conflict, I was bombarded...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 19, 20163 min read
How to Cope with a Boss Who Avoids Conflict
When tortoises feel threatened, they retreat into their thick shells to safely wait out the potential crisis. But what happens when...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 12, 20161 min read
Building Your Brain’s Gray Matter: The Unexpected Strategy
Professionals go to great lengths to expand their knowledge and success: taking courses, reading voraciously, networking with industry...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 5, 20163 min read
Feeling Mentally Capsized? The Flip Side of Work/Life Balance
Spoiler Alert: this is NOT one of those work/life balance articles about being consumed by our work and allowing it to invade our...

Susan Shapiro
Mar 22, 20163 min read
The Shark Tank Principle: The Big Take-Away for Leaders
If you’ve seen the popular TV show Shark Tank, you know the moment I’m talking about. The wildly enthusiastic entrepreneur starts...

Susan Shapiro
Mar 1, 20163 min read
Leaders Sinking? The Surprising Key to Survival
Leaders today are often drowning in a sea of high expectations. If they can’t deliver, their teams (and perhaps their companies) may not...

Susan Shapiro
Feb 1, 20163 min read
Avoid a Leadership Coaching Fumble: 3 Game-Changing Rules
Are you among the millions of people who love to watch the Super Bowl? Office chatter in the weeks leading up to the event often focuses...

Susan Shapiro
Jan 26, 20163 min read
Missed Opportunities: What’s Clouding Your View?
Sometimes good leaders can miss great opportunities. I’m not referring to the wing-it-and-hope-for-the-best managers here; I’m talking...

Susan Shapiro
Jan 12, 20163 min read
Leadership 2016: Prepared to Feed Your Creativity?
“Everything is raw material. Everything is relevant. Everything is usable. Everything feeds into my creativity. But without proper...

Susan Shapiro
Dec 7, 20153 min read
When Recognition Backfires: Are Leaders and Teams Seeing the Same Thing?
It happens all the time: two people look at the same image but see something different. In a business setting, that phenomenon can pave...

Susan Shapiro
Dec 1, 20153 min read
Lessons for Leadership: Moving Past the Hurdles to Happiness
“Happiness doesn’t always make you feel happy. Often, happiness requires you to do things that make you feel anxious, resentful,...

Susan Shapiro
Nov 17, 20153 min read
Aha Moments! 21 Examples of Coaching-Inspired Clarity
We’ve all experienced “aha moments”—those sudden glimpses of insight or comprehension that change everything in an instant. They are the...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 20, 20153 min read
Too Busy To Notice Success Flying By?
This time of year is exciting for many of us in Texas. (Not just because of football.) The Monarch butterflies migrating from Canada...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 13, 20153 min read
Increasing Your Productivity by…Being Unproductive?
Yes, you read that correctly. Instead of kicking into high gear to increase your personal efficiency and get more done, try doing the...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 6, 20153 min read
The Dangers of Office Gossip: Pope Francis Weighs In
Pope Francis may not have specifically preached about the evils of office gossip during his recent U.S. visit, but he has often discussed...

Susan Shapiro
Sep 29, 20152 min read
Helping a Job Seeker? Skip the Advice, Start Coaching!
Even if you don’t work in HR, it’s safe to bet that someone will eventually ask you for job advice. How to find a better position. How to...

Susan Shapiro
Sep 21, 20153 min read
What Color is Your Decision-Making Hat?
Face it, decision making can be hard. We sometimes get into the same old thinking patterns, which may not serve us in every type of...

Susan Shapiro
Sep 19, 20153 min read
Business Advice from Albert Einstein: Get to the Point!
The lesson here is delightfully summed up by Albert Einstein: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Many...
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