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Susan Shapiro
Feb 8, 20163 min read
Driving Alignment: 10 Best Practices Leaders Can’t Ignore
One of my coaching clients (we’ll call her Cindy) was in trouble. Cindy’s department was responsible for delivering content marketing for...

Susan Shapiro
Feb 1, 20163 min read
Avoid a Leadership Coaching Fumble: 3 Game-Changing Rules
Are you among the millions of people who love to watch the Super Bowl? Office chatter in the weeks leading up to the event often focuses...

Susan Shapiro
Jan 12, 20163 min read
Leadership 2016: Prepared to Feed Your Creativity?
“Everything is raw material. Everything is relevant. Everything is usable. Everything feeds into my creativity. But without proper...

Susan Shapiro
Dec 7, 20153 min read
When Recognition Backfires: Are Leaders and Teams Seeing the Same Thing?
It happens all the time: two people look at the same image but see something different. In a business setting, that phenomenon can pave...

Susan Shapiro
Dec 1, 20153 min read
Lessons for Leadership: Moving Past the Hurdles to Happiness
“Happiness doesn’t always make you feel happy. Often, happiness requires you to do things that make you feel anxious, resentful,...

Susan Shapiro
Nov 3, 20153 min read
Communicating a Powerful Vision: Is Your Team Committed? Or Just Involved?
Ever heard this saying? When it comes to breakfast, chickens are involved but pigs are fully committed. So what’s the business connection...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 27, 20153 min read
Why Celebrating Success Today Boosts Performance Tomorrow
During my years working at HP, Manuel Diaz was VP of Sales for the Computer Systems Division. During a training event, he spoke to the...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 13, 20153 min read
Increasing Your Productivity by…Being Unproductive?
Yes, you read that correctly. Instead of kicking into high gear to increase your personal efficiency and get more done, try doing the...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 6, 20153 min read
The Dangers of Office Gossip: Pope Francis Weighs In
Pope Francis may not have specifically preached about the evils of office gossip during his recent U.S. visit, but he has often discussed...

Susan Shapiro
Sep 29, 20152 min read
Helping a Job Seeker? Skip the Advice, Start Coaching!
Even if you don’t work in HR, it’s safe to bet that someone will eventually ask you for job advice. How to find a better position. How to...

Susan Shapiro
Sep 21, 20153 min read
What Color is Your Decision-Making Hat?
Face it, decision making can be hard. We sometimes get into the same old thinking patterns, which may not serve us in every type of...

Susan Shapiro
Sep 19, 20153 min read
Business Advice from Albert Einstein: Get to the Point!
The lesson here is delightfully summed up by Albert Einstein: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Many...

Susan Shapiro
Aug 25, 20153 min read
Relationship Mapping: Because Coffee with Bob is Not a Strategy
You check your Enterprise System to get real-time inventory numbers and up-to-the-minute sales figures. But how do you track your...

Susan Shapiro
Jul 15, 20152 min read
3 Management Lessons from the Baseball Park
Use clear, concise communications That’s a pretty good lesson for all of us, whether we are on the baseball field or in the conference...

Susan Shapiro
Jun 23, 20154 min read
Your Brain: The New Competitive Edge
In this week’s blog, I interviewed Tony Pottle about the business implications of advances in neuroscience. Tony is the Chief Business...

Susan Shapiro
May 26, 20152 min read
Order Up! Serving Internal Stakeholders
Stakeholder vs. Steak Holder: just another quirky homophone or perhaps an insightful business reminder? I believe it’s the latter,...

Susan Shapiro
May 19, 20153 min read
Moving Your Career to Center Stage
As I work with my coaching clients, I often use the stage as a metaphor for managing career progressions. Some people step into the...

Susan Shapiro
May 5, 20152 min read
Break Out Of Your Reading Rut!
As professionals, many of us spend our days reading. The morning news. An endless stream of emails and text messages. Social media...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 28, 20152 min read
Positivity: Had Your Daily Dose?
In the workplace, negativity is like quicksand. It drags people down. It keeps them stuck in a toxic place, usually without any idea of...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 14, 20152 min read
5 Ways Mentors Can Boost Your Career
Over the years, I’ve provided executive coaching for a wide range of clients, but I usually ask each one of them the same question: who...
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